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Donnie Darko

Tuesday, July 9 @ 7:00 PM 9:00 PM


After narrowly escaping a bizarre accident, a troubled teenager (Jake Gyllenhaal) is plagued by visions of a man in a large rabbit suit who manipulates him to commit a series of crimes.

Kelly is a supple and courageous storyteller, boldly free-associating as he mixes parody and satire with earnest psychodrama and coming up with plot points no one could anticipate.

Lisa Alspector, Chicago Reader

A mini-masterpiece that marks the arrival of brave new talents in Gyllenhaal and Kelly. Cult glory beckons.

Alan Morrison, Empire Magazine

A haunted miasma of youthful alienation, suburban malaise, cosmic upheaval, and 1980s pop-cultural infatuation.

Justin Chang, L.A. Times
  • Director: Richard Kelly
  • Country: USA
  • Year: 2001
  • Runtime: 113 minutes