Church of Film is a weekly film series dedicated to the strange, lost and overlooked treasures of cinema past. Researched, compiled, and curated by Muriel. Screenings most Wednesday nights at the Clinton Street Theater.
Upcoming Church of Film Screenings
MAGIC & ECSTASY – The Films of Luigi Di Gianni (Church of Film)
MAGIC & ECSTASY will showcase the most celebrated of di Gianni's works such as Magica Lucana (1958) and Grazia e Numeri (1962), as well as rare short works of fiction in an eye-opening and witchy set.
THE DEMON (1963) (Church of Film)
Fellini screenwriter Brunello Rondi, fresh off the success of 8 1/2, directed this earthy, dark, and highly sophisticated look at magic and superstition in Italy, with a gritty and creepy documentary feel, incredible high contrast photography, and a deft ability to dip from reality into surreality.
ARCANA (1972) (Church of Film)
A revolutionary nightmare starring cult actresses Lucia Bosè and Tina Aumont, the film has been rarely seen since its distributor went bankrupt shortly after production.
SPELL (1977) (Church of Film)
Made in response to Pasolini's Salo and Makavajev's Sweet Movie, SPELL - SWEET SLAUGHTERHOUSE is Alberto Cavallone's Surrealismo estremo at its finest, told in darkly compelling vignettes of madness, betrayal, brutality, sex and the grotesque.
BLOW JOB (1980) (Church of Film)
Alberto Cavallone's BLOW JOB was the director's final surrealistic statement on violence, magic, and power, a dark poem where countercultural explorations of altered states and free love crash land into the darkness of the human consciousness, and a society in collapse.